The SteelTree Fund
Grant Application Instructions
All Applications must include the following:
1. SteelTree Fund Application Cover Sheet - available soon.
2. Executive Summary of Project/Program
3. Purpose of Grant
4. Income and Expenses
5. Measurement
6. Supporting Materials
7. Presentation Agreement
An explanation of each item is provided below.
To apply, you must:
1. Complete the SteelTree Fund Application Cover Sheet - available soon.
2. Submit an Executive Summary of the Project/Program that must include:
- Vision and mission of the project
- Brief description of the project to be impacted by funding (including which population your project serves, and how you plan to engage that population)
- What are the anticipated outcomes/impact?
3. Purpose of Grant
- Problem and Need: Identify the problem to be addressed and the needs to be met by the project/program. What unique services to the community are provided by your project/program? Provide supporting data.
- Project/Program Goal: Describe the goals and overall impact of the project/program.
- Project/Project Design: Describe your project/program objectives, activities, strategies, staffing, partners, and timelines, and explain how the design will enable you to address the problem or need. Identify the project/program as new or continuing, as well as any collaboration efforts that currently or potentially exist. Where does this project/program rank in your personal and professional priorities?
- Financial Sustainability: Specify your plans for financing the project/program at the termination of the grant; list other financing sources or strategies that you are developing.
4. Income and Expenses: Itemize your revenue and expense totals (e.g. ticket sales, donations, etc.). Include information on additional funding sought and/or secured (source and amount) and any additional items you feel are relevant to your particular project/program.
5. Measurement: Outline your plan to document the progress and results. How will you measure expected outcomes and the effectiveness of your activities? What will be your criteria for success? What tools will you use to evaluate your program and organization (records, surveys, interviews, pre- and post-tests, community feedback, etc.)?
6. Supporting Materials: Please include any of the following that are applicable to the organization and/or project.
- Vision and Mission Statements
- Annual Report
- Board List
7. Presentation: While not a requirement, grant applicants are strongly encouraged to give a brief presentation and answer questions from SteelTree Board Members during a SteelTree Fund Board meeting. The grant application deadline and meeting schedule is below.

Shelly Parver
Planning Manager, Jewish Education & Continuity
412.992.5207 or
SteelTree Board
Aaron D. Morgenstern, SteelTree Chair
Joshua Farber, SteelTree Co-Chair
Elena Davis, Sarah Davies, Max Dizard, Joshua Farber, Jordan Fischbach, Chad Fisher, Sam Gerber, David E. Goldberg, Lissa Guttman, Shmuel Huebner, Rebecca Kentor-Knoll, Aaron Morgenstern, Mark Pizov, Benji Pollock, Ely Rosenfeld, Mordy Rudolph, Yael Silk, Brett Solomon, Rachael Speck, Marc Tannebaum, Scott Tobe, Jason Wagner, Kelly Waldman, and Sara Weissman.
Grant Application Deadline - dates available soon.
SteelTree Fund Board Meeting - dates available soon