Levinson Award
Objectives of the Award
The objectives of this Award are to give community recognition to the importance of Jewish women and men carrying out a significant citizenship role in harmony with the Jewish ideals of social justice and concern for our fellow man, to recognize those who have demonstrated leadership ability in promoting improved inter-group relations and the elimination of prejudice and bigotry in our society, and to recognize active participation in the advancement of the goals and objectives of the Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh.
Nature of the Award
The Award shall include an inscribed scroll (plaque) to be presented at an appropriate meeting of the Community Relations Council by a member of the Levinson family and attendance at the Annual Plenary Session of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. The recipient shall receive reimbursement for expenses, up to a maximum of $750. These funds shall be made available annually from the Sonia & Aaron Levinson Trust Fund.
Criteria for Selection
The nominee must be a member of the Jewish community of Greater Pittsburgh, an active participant in Jewish communal life, a donor to the Jewish Federation in good standing , and of demonstrated leadership ability through participation and achievement in community relations activities.
Committee for Selection
The Selection Committee shall be made up of past winners of the Award. The judgment of the Selection Committee shall be final.
To suggest someone as the next recipient of the Levinson Award, click here.

Past Recipients
Edwin I. Grinberg
Kenneth M. Steinberg
Nicholas D.J. Lane
Jon Pushinsky
Frederick N. Frank
Daniel E. Butler
JoAnn R. Spiegel
Rabbi Neal S. Scheindlin
Louis B. Kushner
Nina Butler
Dr. Barbara Burstin
Karen Levitt
Karen A. Shapira
Judi Kanal
Dan B. Frankel
Cindy Goodman-Leib
Kathy R. Hurwitz
Barb Feige
Rabbi Mark N. Staitman
Dr. Jennifer Rudin
Rabbi James A. Gibson
Mahnaz Harrison
Eileen L. Lane
E.J. Strassburger
Judith L. Palkovitz
Mark Frank
Steven D. Irwin
David May-Stein
Robert S. Whitehill, Jr.
Nancy Bernstein
Deborah Fidel
David Ainsman