Onward Israel Program

Onward Israel is an eight week internship program in Israel for students and young adults. Onward Israel provides participants with an immersive and transformative resume-building experience in Israel while forging a long-lasting connection with Israel and a strong commitment to Jewish life. 

As a participant, you will live and immerse yourself in Israeli culture, learn about issues facing Israeli society, and work as an intern in one of a wide range of fields.  Accommodations are centrally located in modern apartments in Tel Aviv.

You must be between the age of 19 and 27 and currently living in, or hail from, the Greater Pittsburgh area. 

Upcoming Session
June 6 – July 31, 2018

Program Fee
$600 - airfare not included
A small stipend is included to cover two meals per day.

Onward Israel’s applications for summer 2018 are now open!

Apply Online Now 


Learn more at OnwardIsrael.com

Onward Israel