Women's Philanthropy
Since the beginning of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh's founding in 1912, the Women's Division has been one of its strongest assets. By strengthening women's philanthropy and encouraging women to give their own gift to the Jewish community, they are in turn exercising their independent ability to make a meaningful impact. This has served as a catalyst for women to become high-level leaders within the community. The ability to give in one's own name has empowered these women to become invaluable and influential contributors to the Jewish community of Pittsburgh.
Why Women's Philanthropy?
Women’s Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh empowers women to become philanthropists. When you give a gift in your own name, you demonstrate the importance of tzedakah to you. You take your place in the long line of women who have carried on this fundamental Jewish tradition, and you inspire others to translate their Jewish caring into giving that makes a difference.
Women who give in their own names increase their credibility and agency as leaders and policy makers. Women's giving demonstrates that women are knowledgeable philanthropists who understand how to exercise their power to make a difference through giving. It demonstrates women’s dedication to and acceptance of responsibility for the needs of the global Jewish community.
Women's giving is fiscal evidence of the influence women exert as full partners and decision makers in the family, the community, and among the Jewish People. By giving as individuals, women can stand up and truly be counted as leaders and policy makers.
Women philanthropists are the change-makers and community-shapers of the world. We are sisters and daughters, mothers and friends, compassionate and committed women at every stage of life and career.
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Upcoming Events
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For more information, please contact Rachel Lipkin, Director of Women's Philanthropy, at 412.992.5227 or rlipkin@jfedpgh.org.
Dr. Susan G. Berman Kress
Women's Philanthropy Chair
Jane M. Rollman
Women's Philanthropy Co-Chair
Rachel Lipkin
Women's Philanthropy Director
Becca Hurowitz
Senior Manager, Campaign and Missions
Upcoming Missions

International Lion of Judah Conference
January 13 – 15, 2019
Be part of the most extraordinary ILOJC yet. Hear from world-class speakers on our most pertinent local and global Jewish issues. Get inspired. Share in strength. Engage in tzedakah. And invigorate the face of the Jewish world.
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To Russia With Love
Women's Mission to St. Petersburg & Riga
June 16 – 23, 2019
Discover these European jewels by exploring both the Jewish history and modern development of these cities, and visiting Federation-funded projects.
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